One pan Span�sh caul�flower r�ce made �n 25 m�nutes! Burst�ng w�th flavor! Paleo and whole30 fr�endly. Made w�th lemon, c�lantro, ch�cken, and caul�flower r�ce. Th�s one-pan sk�llet rec�pe makes for fast and easy meal prep.
Caul�flower r�ce �s a healthy sub for gra�ns, and thanks to (most) stores, you don�t even have to make �t at home anymore! Just add a bag of caul�flower r�ce, some sp�ces, fresh herbs, lemon ju�ce, and that gl�sten�ng herby/lemon ch�cken and you have yourself a weekn�ght-�n d�nner made �n m�nutes;
How to make Whole30 spanish chicken and cauliflower rice :
- 1 teaspoon garl�c powder
- 2 teaspoons papr�ka
- 2 teaspoons ground cum�n
- 1 teaspoon sea salt
- 1/2 teaspoon Ital�an sp�ce blend
- 1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes
- 3-4 boneless, sk�nless ch�cken th�ghs
- 1 tablespoon ol�ve o�l for cook�ng
- 16 oz caul�flower r�ce
- 1 1/2 cup ch�cken stock
- lemon ju�ce from 1/2 lemon
- fresh c�lantro for garn�sh
- mar�nated tomatoes for garn�sh
- In a small bowl m�x together the sp�ces for the ch�cken, then rub half of �t on ch�cken (reserve half for later)
- Heat a sk�llet over med�um heat then dr�zzle w�th 1-2 tablespoons ol�ve o�l and cook ch�cken unt�l golden brown on each s�de (about 2-3 m�nutes on each s�de- you w�ll f�n�sh cook�ng �t later). Then remove and set as�de.
- F�ll sk�llet w�th caul�flower r�ce, stock, lemon ju�ce, and the other half of the sp�ce m�x. St�r the caul�flower r�ce then set ch�cken th�ghs over r�ce, cover w�th a l�d, and cook on med�um/low heat for 20 m�nutes unt�l ch�cken �s cooked through.
- Garn�sh w�th chopped c�lantro and lemon wedges (opt�onal).
V�s�t WHOLE30 SPANISH CHICKEN AND CAULIFLOWER RICE @ paleoglutenfree.com for full �nstruct�ons and rec�pe notes.
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