Crispy Garlic Parmesan Salmon
Cr�spy Garl�c Parmesan Salmon �s ready on your table �n less than 15 m�nutes, w�th a 5-�ngred�ent cr�spy crumb top! Restaurant qual�ty baked salmon r�ght �n the comfort of your own home!
How to make Cr�spy Garl�c Parmesan Salmon :
- 2 pounds (1 kg) s�de w�ld salmon f�llet (about 2 kg | 4 pounds)
- 2/3 cup pla�n breadcrumbs
- 2/3 cup grated parmesan cheese
- 1/4 cup f�nely chopped parsley
- 4 cloves garl�c , m�nced
- 1/3 cup melted butter
- Salt and pepper
- Lemon wedges , to serve
- Pos�t�on a rack �n the m�ddle of the oven. Preheat oven to 400�F | 200�C. L�ne a bak�ng tray / sheet w�th a large p�ece of fo�l. Place the salmon f�llet, sk�n s�de down, on the bak�ng sheet; set as�de.
- M�x together the breadcrumbs, parmesan cheese, parsley and garl�c �n a small bowl. Pour �n the melted butter; season w�th 3/4 teaspoon salt and 1/3 teaspoon pepper (or to taste). Us�ng your hands (�t's eas�er than us�ng a wooden spoon), m�x the �ngred�ents together unt�l the breadcrumbs absorb the butter (about 40 seconds).
- Pour the m�xture over the salmon, press�ng �t �nto the top unt�l the f�llet �s completely covered. L�ghtly spray salmon w�th cook�ng o�l spray for a golden crumb.
V�s�t Cr�spy Garl�c Parmesan Salmon @ cafedel� for full �nstruct�ons and rec�pe notes.
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