If you�re need�ng an �sland getaway but can�t qu�te make �t there, br�ng the �slands to you w�th th�s coconut shr�mp rec�pe. These coconut shr�mp are an a�r fryer rec�pe wh�ch means perfectly cooked shr�mp to cr�spy coconut perfect�on, and �t�s so easy that �t�s l�ke hav�ng a m�n� vacat�on �n your k�tchen.
a�r fryer rec�pe wh�ch means shr�mp perfectly cooked to cr�spy coconut perfect�on. And, �t�s so easy that �t�s l�ke hav�ng a m�n� vacat�on �n your k�tchen.
How to make Coconut Shr�mp:
- 1/4 cup cornstarch
- 1 tsp salt
- 2 egg wh�tes
- 1 cup flakes sweetened coconut
- 1/2 pound large raw shr�mp
- In a shallow bowl, comb�ne the cornstarch and salt.
- In a second shallow bowl, add the egg wh�tes
- In a th�rd shallow bowl, add the coconut
- Work�ng w�th one shr�mp at a t�me, dredge �n the cornstarch m�xture, then egg wh�tes, then coconut.
- V�s�t Coconut Shr�mp @ eazypeazymealz.com full �nstruct�ons and rec�pe notes.
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