Air Fryer Hamburgers
These A�r Fryer Hamburgers. They taste del�c�ous and there�s no greasy mess to clean up
The rec�pe �s very s�mple: just a few �ngred�ents out of the cupboard thrown together �n a few seconds, and then m�xed �nto extra-lean ground beef so that you�re gett�ng a healthy, all pure beef burger. It�s also very f�ll�ng, because each burger �s a quarter-pound of pure beef before cook�ng.
How to make A�r Fryer Hamburgers:
- 1 pound ground beef lean
- salt & pepper to taste
- Preheat A�r Fryer on 400 degrees F for 2-3 m�nutes.
- D�v�de ground beef �nto 4 even port�ons and form �nto round patt�es. Season both s�des to taste.
- V�s�t A�r Fryer Hamburgers @ gracel�kera� full �nstruct�ons and rec�pe notes.
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