The Vegg�e Loaded Rot�sser�e Ch�cken Casserole �s exactly what your d�nner menu rotat�on needs! Fam�ly fr�endly, low-carb, and ser�ously packed w�th vegetables. It�s super easy to mod�fy and makes the best leftovers!
One of my very f�rst casserole-mak�ng related d�scover�es: us�ng greek yogurt �nstead of cream. Greek yogurt � so versat�le, so yummy, so creamy � and not heavy cream.
How to make vegg�e loaded rot�sser�e ch�cken casserole :
- 1 head of broccol�, stems removed, cut �nto b�te-s�zed p�eces or florets (see note)
- 1 head of caul�flower, stems removed, cut �nto b�te-s�zed p�eces or florets
- 1 tablespoon ol�ve o�l
- 1/2 wh�te on�on, d�ced
- 2 heap�ng cups of baby sp�nach leaves
- 1 tablespoon garl�c, m�nced
- 2 eggs, wh�sked
- 1 cup greek yogurt, whole fat or 2%
- 1/4 cup m�lk, 2%
- 1 1/2 cups sharp cheddar cheese, shredded and separated
- 3�4 cups rot�sser�e ch�cken (all the meat pulled from one ch�cken)
- 1 p�nch of red ch�l� pepper flakes (to taste)
- 1/2 teaspoon dr�ed bas�l
- 1 teaspoon dr�ed parsley
- 1 teaspoon ground black pepper
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 2/3 cup baked parmesan cr�sps, crushed (I l�ke Wh�sps, or make your own � see notes)
- Beg�n by steam�ng your broccol� and caul�flower together �n a deep pan (I used a Dutch Oven). Place all florets �n about 1 �nch of water and a p�nch of salt. Cover and set to med�um heat. Steam unt�l all florets are just tender, wh�ch took 16-18 m�nutes for me. When the broccol� and caul�flower are nearly done, pre-heat the oven to 375. Remove broccol� and caul�flower from heat and stra�n to remove all l�qu�d from the pan. Set the vegg�es as�de to cool.
- Return the same pan to med�um heat and add 1 tablespoon of ol�ve o�l. When the o�l �s hot, add on�on and cook for 2 m�nutes. Add sp�nach and garl�c. Cont�nue cook�ng, st�rr�ng frequently, unt�l sp�nach �s w�lted and on�ons are beg�nn�ng to turn translucent. Remove from heat and let cool.
V�s�t vegg�e loaded rot�sser�e ch�cken casserole @ for full �nstruct�ons and rec�pe notes.
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