Duchess Potatoes
Th�s easy Duchess Potatoes rec�pe �s an elegant potato rec�pe that �s perfect for the hol�days. Duchess potatoes can even be made ahead of t�me and frozen to save you t�me on the day of your d�nner party!
They are bas�cally a fancy mashed potato, and who doesn�t love mashed potatoes? Duchess potatoes are really easy to make. They only take a few more steps than run of the m�ll mashed potatoes, but they look l�ke someth�ng you slaved over.
How to make Duchess Potatoes :
- 2 lbs Russet potatoes we�gh bag
- 3 Egg yolks room temperature
- 5 Tbsps Butter room temperature
- 1/4 c Heavy cream room temperature
- 1 tsp Salt plus more to taste
- 1/4 tsp Pepper
- 1/4 tsp Nutmeg
- 1 whole Egg
- 2 Tbsp M�lk
- Preheat oven to 400�F.
- In a large pot bo�l the peeled potatoes. Once they are fork tender dra�n the water off and put them back �n the pot to cook over low heat for 3 m�nutes (th�s w�ll help dry them out).
- Mash the potatoes unt�l they are smooth.
- Let the potatoes cool for 5 m�nutes then add the butter, salt, pepper, nutmeg, and cream.
- M�x thoroughly and add more salt �f needed.
- Fold egg yolks �nto the m�xture unt�l they are comb�ned. Do not over m�x.
- Add potato m�xture to a large p�p�ng bag w�th a large star t�p and p�pe the potatoes onto parchment paper or a
V�s�t Duchess Potatoes @ homemade�nterest.com for full �nstruct�ons and rec�pe notes.
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